Numbness and "pins and needles"
Is it common to have numbness and pins and needles after Intensive Care?
Patients sometimes experience numbness and or pins and needles in their fingers and hands, which can lead to difficulty with everyday things like grip.Others experience numbness and or pins and needles in their feet, which can interfere with balance and mobility.
Why do I have numbness and pins and needles?
These symptoms are sometimes called "critical illness neuropathy" or "critical illness polyneuropathy". It can be difficult to formally diagnose. It is more common among patients who have spent longer in Intensive Care, but may also be a side effect of some of the medications that you received in Intensive Care.
How long will it take to get better?
Based on our discussions with patients, it seems that it can take several weeks or months for things to improve. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy can help.