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Article: Cognitive impairment: what is it?

Article length: 1 minute (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) What is cognitive impairment? Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering things, learning new things, concentrating, solving problems or making decisions that affect their everyday life. This might include things like having difficulty planning or carrying out everyday tasks such as following a recipe, doing your shopping, managing money or driving....

Article: Poor concentration

Patients often tell us that they suffer from poor concentration after Intensive Care. You might struggle to read a newspaper or a book, for example, or you might struggle to follow a television programme or film. Patients also tell us that they often lose interest or "can't be bothered" with some of the things they really enjoyed before, such as listening to music or watching football on the television.This is usually temporary and will start to improve as you recover. It...